Awards Unlimited 2025 Awards Catalogue

203 GLASS AWARDS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Sizes are approximate. Spruce GL191058 4¾" x 7¼" $21.95 Includes a metal stand. Juniper GL191060 4¼" x 6¾" $21.95 Includes a metal stand. Personalize these glass awards with full - colour personalization Holly GL191061 6" dia. $21.95 Includes a metal stand. Boxwood GL191059 4¾" x 6¼" $21.95 Portrait or landscape orientation and includes a metal stand. Glass awards on this page include a white gift box . OUTSTANDING Award Presented to Dr. O. C. Jakobsson In recogni on of your fine leadership and extraordinary determina on JUNIOR HIGH SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD Champion Alberta Cheerleading Association Edmonton Zones ELEMENTARY junior high