SOCCER RESINS 25 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. RF00665PG 6” $11.95 RF00065PG 8” $14.95 Comic Soccer RF00002FC 6” $19.95 Soccer Oval RFO135 5½” $7.95 All-Star Player, M RF00201FC 7” $19.95 GL00431SM 4¼” $17.95 Blow-Out Player, M RBOM601FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOM001FC 6¼” $8.95 Player 2, M&F RF00601FC M 6” $16.95 RFF0601FC F 6” $16.95 Manga, M&F RF04001FC M 5¼” $10.95 RFF4001FC F 5¼” $10.95 Player 1, Female RFF0607FC 6” $16.95 Wave Soccer, M