Awards Unlimited 2025 Awards Catalogue

74 Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. SCULPTURED MEDALS MS32111 - 1¾” All Star MS32216 - 1¾” Figure Skating MS32140 - 1¾” Football MS32180 - 1¾” Gymnastics, F MS32004 - 1¾” Math MS32166 - 1¾” MS32167 - 1¾” MS32117 - 1¾” Drama MS32214 - 1¾” Cross MS32130 - 1¾” MS33130 - 2½” Baseball MS32200 - 1¾” MS33200 - 2½” Hockey MS32100 - 1¾” MS33100 - 2½” Karate MS32000 - 1¾” MS33000 - 2½” Lamp of Knowledge MS32020 - 1¾” MS33020 - 2½” MS32120 - 1¾” MS33120 - 2½” Music MS32112 - 1¾” MVP 1¾” Sculptured Medals • $2.95 ea. / 2½” Sculptured Medals • $3.95 ea. Basketball Cross Country, F Cross Country, M