Awards Unlimited 2025 Headwear Catalogue

4237 Water Resistant Polynosic ››Semi-Structured 6 Panel Low Profile ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Strap & Buckle Polynosic Imperméable ››6 panneaux semi-structurés à profil surbaissé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courroie en tissu avec un boucle coulissante Brushed Heavy Cotton with laminated two-tone peak ››Structured 6 Panel Low Profile ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Covered Short Touch Strap Épais Coton Brossé avec visière bicolore stratifiée ››6 panneaux structurés à profil surbaissé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courte courroie recouverte de tissu 4018 BLACK NAVY LIGHT GREY ARMY GREEN BLACK NAVY LIGHT GREY ARMY GREEN BLACK NAVY LIGHT GREY ARMY GREEN Brushed Heavy Cotton with hi-vis laminated two-tone peak ››Structured 6 Panel Low Profile ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Covered Short Touch Strap Épais Coton Brossé avec visière bicolore stratifiée de haute visibilité ››6 panneaux structurés à profil surbaissé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courte courroie recouverte de tissu 4019 BLACK/GREEN BLACK/ORANGE BLACK/SILVER BLACK/GREEN BLACK/ORANGE BLACK/SILVER BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/RED NAVY/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE STONE/BLACK STONE/NAVY BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/RED NAVY/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE STONE/BLACK STONE/NAVY 4185 Double Pique Mesh with open sandwich ››Structured 6 Panel Low Profile ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Covered Short Touch Strap Tissu Double Piqué avec bordure sandwich ouverte ››6 panneaux structurés à profil surbaissé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courte courroie recouverte de tissu BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/WHITE BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/WHITE RED/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE 4099 Brushed Heavy Cotton with waving stripes on crown & peak ››Structured 6 Panel Low Profile ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Covered Short Touch Strap Épais Coton Brossé avec rayures ondulées sur la couronne et la visière ››6 panneaux structurés à profil surbaissé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courte courroie recouverte de tissu BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/GOLD RED/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE WHITE/NAVY NAVY/WHITE BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/GOLD RED/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE WHITE/NAVY NAVY/WHITE GOLD BLACK/RED NAVY/GOLD ROYAL WHITE NAVY/WHITE BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK /GOLD RED/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE WHITE/NAVY NAVY/WHITE / / / / / / / / 4025 Sports Twill Military Cap ››Pre-Curved Peak ››Fabric Covered Touch Strap Casquette Militaire en Tissu Sport Sergé ››Visière pré-courbée ››Courroie recouverte de tissu BLACK KHAKI NAVY STONE BLACK KHAKI NAVY BLACK/GOLD BLACK/RED BLACK/WHITE NAVY/RED NAVY/WHITE ROYAL/WHITE STONE/BLACK STONE/NAVY HEADWEAR PROFESSIONALS 58