Miranda Lin, who recently graduated from Harry Ainlay School, is a young woman who has set a great example of how youth can positively impact the lives of others. She has generously given of her time to contribute at her school, at extra-curricular activities and to the community. She is one of the students in 2023 that received an Awards Unlimited Helping Hand award that we offer to all high schools in the greater Edmonton area. All of the recipients received the award due to their selfless contributions within the school and out in the community. Among these amazing individuals, Miranda stood out for her selfless service to others.
It is our pleasure to award Miranda with the $1000 Awards Unlimited Helping Hand Scholarship for 2023. Congratulations, Miranda!
Past Awards Unlimited Helping Hand Scholarship winners have been:
2022 - Lucie Yang
2021 - Ellen You
2020 - Tina Kim
2019 - Monica Gate
2018 - Anne Xie
2017 - Erica Hurl
2016 - Kassandra Gower
2015 - Kayleen Ward
2014 - Tobias Wong
2013 - Christina Popescu