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LASER & COMPUTER ENGRAVING Laser engraving allows for highly detailed artwork on different materials. We are home to our industry’s largest laser engraver in Alberta at a full 36" x 48". We also can cut wood & acrylic to make custom awards. Computer engraving provides a traditional look with a deep etch in metal or plastic. SUBLIMATION PRINTING & FIBER LASER Sublimation adds vibrant colour that adheres to metal, glass & acrylic which have a special coating. Fiber laser marking is a good option for many metal objects, such as knife blades & industrial materials. SANDCARVING & UV PRINTING Sandcarving adds depth & beauty to high end awards of glass, crystal, marble, granite & other hard surfaces. UV printing creates vibrant colour and can be layered to create additional depth to your award. UV ink can be printed on many substrates including metal, glass, acrylic & even canvas. PERSONALIZATION SERVICES 3
Jerseys and photos not included Pucks not included Jerseys and photos not included Puck not included 4¼” PUCK01 Puck Holder $14.95 RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 JB1 31“ x 40” x 3¾” $394.95 Studded Jersey Display Case SPORTS MEMORABILIA 4 EC106100 EC106101 EC106102 EC106103 $374.95 $574.95 $874.95 $1199.95 16¼” 19” 29” 23” Champion Hockey Cup JB8 31“ x 40” x 3¾” $394.95 Jersey Display Case w/ Photo Frame HPC1 11” x 11” $99.95 HPC3 11” x 18½” $139.95 Hockey Puck Frames Single Puck Frame Triple Puck Frame
RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 TEAMJERSEY 31“ x 40” x 3¾” $599.95 Team Coloured Jersey Display Case Jerseys and photos not included SPORTS MEMOROBILIA 5
SPORTS MEMORABILIA 6 RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 DCMFTBL 12” x 8” $169.95 Ball not included Mirrored Gameball Display Case Mirrored Football Helmet Display Helmet not included Jerseys and photos not included RF148A 12” $124.95 RF148C 18” $174.95 End Zone Champion $599.95 Team Coloured Jersey Display Case TEAMJERSEY 31“ x 40" X 3¾" 12¾” BELT17 Mini Belt Fits on wrist $74.95 14½” x 15” $224.95 DCMHLMT
7 SPORTS MEMOROBILIA RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 TEAMJERSEY 31“ x 40” x 3¾” $599.95 Team Coloured Jersey Display Case RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 DCMBSKT 10½ x 10½ x 10½ ” ” ” $169.95 Mirrored Basketball Display Case Player Card Holder DCMBSBL 3½” x 3½” x 4” $37.95 DCMSFTBL 5” x 5” x 5½” $54.95 Mirrored Gameball Display Case Ball not included Ball not included Ball not included Cards not included Jerseys and photos not included Champion Vegan Leather Award Belt 56” BELT02 $799.95 Center holds 4" insert Outer holders accept 2" insert Velour presentation bag included 2¾” x 3¾” SN20 $4.95
BASKETBALL RESINS 8 RFWOR229PG-WD00870K 18¾” $239.95 World Class RFWOR129PG 7” $14.95 RFWOR229PG 12” $31.95 Reverse Fusion RFFUS016PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS116PG 6¼” $15.95 Starlight RS85052PG 6” $13.95 RS85152PG 6½” $15.95 Phoenix RFPHX016PG 6” $12.95 World Class Annual
BASKETBALL RESINS AND AWARDS 9 Basketball in Hands 02130700 9¾" $59.95 18” $199.95 02130702 Podium Basketball Resin RF455 12” $79.95 MJ Metal Basketball 01194320 19¾” $249.95 Leeza Basketball Trophy 01194220 14” $49.95 16” $59.95 01194221 Metal Basketball w/ Marble Base AMC3302 16¼” $89.95 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
BASKETBALL RESINS 10 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 81-82 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Cobra, M&F RF02416KG M 8⁄” $16.95 RFF2416KG F 8⁄” $16.95 Akimbo RFAK029FC 6” $13.95 RFAK129FC 8” $16.95 Player, M RF00616FC 8” $16.95 Negative Space RF03029FC 6½” $12.95 Hurricane RF23029PG $16.95 RF23129PG $18.95 8⁄" 7⁄"
BASKETBALL RESINS 11 Garland RF81052AG 5¼” $13.95 RF81152AG 6¼” $15.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. RLF0716HG M 3½” x 4¼” $8.95 RLFF716HG F 3½” x 4¼” $8.95 Star Gazer RFGAZ029AG 5” $9.95 XL Basketball, Annual AT22RG1603AG 15” $214.95 XL Basketball, Base AT22RG1602AG 14⁄” $94.95 Legends of Fame, M&F
BASKETBALL RESINS 12 Avenger RS91052FC $13.95 Star Medal RFMS120PW $11.95 RFMS220PW 6½” $13.95 Pulsar RFPUL052PG 5¾” $12.95 Manga, M&F RF04016FC M 5¼” $10.95 RFF4016FC F 5¼” $10.95 RF04116FC M 6” $13.95 Rockstar 6” $15.95 Muscle Head RFMH016FC 5½” $9.95 RFMH116FC 6¾” $12.95 Star Blast RFBLST029PG 5⁄” $11.95 5⁄” RFROCK029PG All-Star Player, M RF00216FC 7” $16.95
BASKETBALL AWARDS 13 Fantasy Basketball, Tower Base AT22RF1601AZ 11¼” $54.95 Fantasy Basketball, Base AT22RF1602AZ 7¾” $44.95 Wave Basketball, M RF00677PG 6” $16.95 Silver Metal Basketball EC154222 12” $89.95 Metal Basketball w/ Wood Base 1146 17¼" $239.95 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
Fantasy Hockey, Annual AT22RF1503AZ 15” $214.95 Electroplated Forward RFB018 12½” $214.95 Electroplated Skater RFB023 10” $214.95 HOCKEY AWARDS 14
HOCKEY RESINS 15 Fantasy Hockey, Tower Base AT22RF1501AZ 11¼” $54.95 Fantasy Hockey, Base AT22RF1502AZ 7¾” $44.95 Champion Hockey Cup EC106100 EC106101 EC106102 EC106103 $374.95 $574.95 $874.95 $1199.95 16¼” 19” 29” 23” Decorating is for display purposes only and is not included in the price. Forward M RF1341 8¾” $49.95 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
Rinkside RF967B 5¾” $10.95 Galaxy RFGAL015KG 5½” $12.95 HOCKEY RESINS 16 Phoenix RFPHX015PG 6” $12.95 RFPHX115PG 6¾” $15.95 Starlight RS85063PG 6” $13.95 RS85163PG 6½” $15.95 Stadium RFSTA015PG 6” $11.95 RFSTA115PG 7” $14.95 Puck will accept a 2” disc or mylar. Reverse Hurricane RF23015PG 7⁄" $16.95 RF23115PG 8 ⁄" $18.95 World Class RFWOR015PG 6” $12.95 RFWOR115PG 7” $14.95 RFWOR215PG 12” $31.95 $239.95 RFWOR215PG-WD00870K 18¾” World Class Annual
17 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Fusion RFFUS015PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS115PG 6¼” $15.95 Pulsar RFPUL063PG 5¾” $12.95 Star Medal RFMS115PW $11.95 RFMS215PW 6½” $13.95 Star Blast RFBLST015PG 4¾” $11.95 HOCKEY RESINS Puck will accept a 1" disc or mylar. Puck will accept a 2" disc or mylar. Star emblem will accept a 1" disc or mylar. Sabre RF00915PG 8⁄” $16.95 5⁄” Rockstar RFROCK015PG 6” $15.95
HOCKEY RESINS 18 Star Gazer RFGAZ015AG 5” $9.95 Garland RF81063AG 5¼” $11.95 RF81163AG 6¼” $14.95 Blizzard RF00715AG 6” $13.95 Puck will accept a 1½" disc or mylar. Nexus RFNEX015AG 5¾” $13.95 Big Star RF04515KG $10.95 RF04615KG 6¼” $12.95 Apex Shield RF05115KG 6½” $13.95 RF05215KG 7¼” $14.95 Silhouette RS61063FC 4⁄” $8.95 RS62163FC 6⁄” $12.95 Akimbo RFAK015FC 6¾” $13.95 RFAK115FC 8¾” $16.95 5⁄”
Vintage Player 1, M RF00612PG 6¼” $14.95 19 Player, M RF00045FC 8” $21.95 Aztec Gold Player, M RF00045HG 8” $21.95 Aztec Gold Goalie RF00014HG 6” $21.95 Blow-Out Player, F RBOF612FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOF012FC 6¼” $8.95 HOCKEY RESINS Vintage Goalie RF2311SG 7” $21.95 Goalie RFH313 5½” $10.95
SOCCER RESINS 20 Negative Space RF03020FC 6½” $12.95 Blizzard RF00720AG 6” $13.95 Garland RF81053AG 5¼” $11.95 RF81153AG 6¼” $15.95 Signature RS71053HG 5⁄” $10.95 Galaxy RFGAL020KG 5½” $16.95 Armour RF01620FC 4¾” $8.95 RF01020FC 5¾” $11.95 World Soccer 02130901 12” $39.95
SOCCER RESINS 21 World Class RFWOR020PG 6” $12.95 RFWOR120PG 7” $14.95 RFWOR220PG 12” $31.95 Star Medal RFMS170PW $11.95 RFMS270PW 6½” $13.95 Reverse RFWOR220PG-WD00870k 18¾” $239.95 World Class Annual 5⁄”
SOCCER RESINS 22 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. XL Soccer, Annual AT22RG2002AG 15” $214.95 AT22RG2003AG 13⁄” $94.95 RLF0701HG M 3½” x 4¼” $8.95 RLFF701HG F 3½” x 4¼” $8.95 RLF0001HG M 6” x 8” $19.95 RLFF001HG F 6” x 8” $19.95 Legends of Fame Annual, M&F AT22RF2001HG M 9” x 12” $43.95 AT22RF2002HG F 9” x 12” $43.95 RLFX0XXHG Resins come complete with an easel back and a built-in wall hanger. RLFX7XXHG Resins comes complete with an easel back. XL Soccer, Annual Legends of Fame, M&F
SOCCER RESINS RS31053FC 5½” $13.95 RS31153FC 6½” $14.95 Cyclone RS51053FC 6” $14.95 Pulsar RFPUL053PG 5¾” $10.95 Avenger RS91053FC $13.95 RS91153FC 6½” $15.95 23 Starlight RS85053PG 6” $13.95 RS85153PG 6½” $15.95 Fusion RFFUS020PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS120PG 6¼” $15.95 Phoenix Indoor Soccer RFPHX054PG 6” $12.95 Aztec Ball & Player, M&F RIC718 M 4½” $7.95 RIC719 F $7.95 4½” Soccer Wedge RP5471 4” RP5472 6” $10.95 $7.95 5⁄”
SOCCER RESINS 24 Star Blast RFBLST020PG 4¾” Silhouette RS61153FC 5¼” $13.95 RS62153FC $15.95 Maple Leaf RS41053FC 5½” $11.95 Ball & Shoes RF00020FC 4” $14.95 Shield Spinner RFSHIELD20FC 6” $13.95 Star Gazer RFGAZ020AG 5” $9.95 $11.95 Aztec Gold Ball & Shoe RF00020HG 4” $15.50 Akimbo RFAK020FC 6” $13.95 RFAK120FC 8” $16.95 6⁄”
SOCCER RESINS 25 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. RF00665PG 6” $11.95 RF00065PG 8” $14.95 Comic Soccer RF00002FC 6” $19.95 Soccer Oval RFO135 5½” $7.95 All-Star Player, M RF00201FC 7” $19.95 GL00431SM 4¼” $17.95 Blow-Out Player, M RBOM601FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOM001FC 6¼” $8.95 Player 2, M&F RF00601FC M 6” $16.95 RFF0601FC F 6” $16.95 Manga, M&F RF04001FC M 5¼” $10.95 RFF4001FC F 5¼” $10.95 Player 1, Female RFF0607FC 6” $16.95 Wave Soccer, M
SOCCER RESINS 26 RF03502HG 7¾” $14.95 RF03602HG 9” $19.95 Aztec Gold Player, M RF00601HG 6” $13.95 RF00001HG 7” $21.95 Aztec Gold Player, F RFF0601HG 6” $16.95 RFF0001HG 7” $21.95 Cobra, M RF00401KG 6½” $11.95 RF01401KG 7½” $14.95 RF02401KG $16.95 Cobra, F RFF0401KG 6½” $11.95 RFF1401KG 7½” $14.95 RFF2401KG $16.95 Muscle Head RFMH001FC 5½” $9.95 RFMH101FC 6¾” $15.95 RF00801HG 7” $16.95 RFF0801HG 7” $16.95 Soccer Wreath Plate RFH5318 5½” $10.95 Star Power, F Star Power, M Aztec Gold Hall Ball, M
SOCCER RESINS 27 Golden Cleat RF700B 7½” $29.95 Nexus RFNEX020AG 5¾” $13.95 Angels RF00044GK 10½” $30.95 Phoenix RFPHX020PG 6” $12.95 RFPHX120PG 6¾” $15.95 Rockstar RFROCK020PG 6” $15.95 Triumph RF95703 14¼” $54.95
SOCCER RESINS AND AWARDS 28 Pelé Metal Soccer 01194310 17” $199.95 Rockstar RFROCK020PG 6” $15.95 Stadium RFSTA020PG 6” $14.95 RFSTA120PG 7” $17.95 Leeza Metal Soccer 16” $54.95 01194211 Caldio Metal Soccer 18½” $59.95 AMC377 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Soccer Plate, F RF319 5¾" $10.95
Silver Metal Soccer Riser EC143810 10½” $34.95 SOCCER RESINS AND AWARDS 29 Silver Resin Soccer SBR3536444 14" $184.95 Silver Resin Soccer Annual SBR353WD870K 16¼” $324.95 EC115602 14” $64.95 Ceramic Soccer Plastic Base CSB144 20” $219.95 Ceramic Soccer Wood Base Gol d’Oro AMC88A 17⁄” $69.95 Soccer Diamond Plate RDP18 7 ½“ x 6" $13.95
BASEBALL RESINS 30 RFWORK221PG-WD00870K 18¾” $239.95 World Class RFWOR121PG 7” $14.95 RFWOR221PG 12” $31.95 Reverse Cobra, F RFF0410KG 6½” $11.95 RFF1410KG 7½” $14.95 RFF2410KG $16.95 Blow-Out Player, F RBOF610FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOF010FC 6¼” $8.95 8⁄” World Class Annual
Phoenix RFPHX021PG 6” $12.95 RFPHX121PG 6¾” $15.95 Rockstar RFROCK021PG 6” $15.95 Avenger RS91050FC $13.95 Fusion RFFUS021PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS121PG 6¼” $15.95 Vintage Player, F RFF0010PG 8” $21.95 Star Blast RFBLST021PG 4¾” $11.95 BASEBALL RESINS 31 Nexus RFNEX021AG 5¾” $13.95 Glove Ball Holder RX690AB 6” $29.95
Shooting Star RF02021FC 5” $14.95 Star Gazer RFGAZ021AG 5” $9.95 All-Star Player, F RFF0210FC 7” $19.95 Manga, M RF04010FC 5¼” $10.95 Armour RF01621FC 4¾” $12.95 RF01021FC 5¾” $14.95 Large Oval, Female RFOV421FC 8” x 8½” $18.95 Akimbo Softball RFAK003FC 6” $13.95 RFAK103FC 8” $1695 Akimbo Baseball RFAK021FC 6” $13.95 RFAK121FC 8” $16.95 BASEBALL RESINS 32 Small Oval, Female RFOV821FC 6” x 6½” $15.95
Fantasy Baseball, Tower Base AT22RF2101AZ 11¼” $54.95 Fantasy Baseball, Base AT22RF2102AZ 7¾” $44.95 Blow-Out Plaque, F AT22PMCHB088 4½” x 6” $13.95 AT22PMCHC089 5” x 7” $14.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 81-82 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. XL Baseball, Annual AT22RG2102AG 15” $214.95 XL Baseball, Base AT22RG2103AG 13⁄” $94.95 Hurricane $16.95 $18.95 RF23010PG BASEBALL RESINS 33 8⁄” 7⁄” RF23110PG
GOLF RESINS 34 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. AT23RG2201FC 16¼” $204.95 Cobra, M RF00406KG 6½” $11.95 RF01406KG 7½” $14.95 Blow-Out Player, F RBOF606FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOF006FC 6¼” $8.95 Blow-Out Player, M RBOM606FC 5¼” $6.95 RBOM006FC 6¼” $8.95 AT22CAGCPK1R Black 18¼” $244.95 AT22CAGCRW1R Rosewood 18¼” $244.95 Club & Ball RF00022FC 4” Iron RF00060FC 4” Driver $14.95 RF00051FC 4” Putter $14.95 $14.95 Vintage Golf Cup Annual Vintage Golf Cup Annual - 3 Tier
GOLF RESINS 35 Comic Player, M RF00087FC 6” $17.95 RF03508HG 7½” $21.95 Hole-In-One Ball Holder RF00088FC 6” $14.95 Golf ball not included. Male Golfer Oval ROV1109 6½” $16.95 Phoenix RFPHX022PG 6” $12.95 RFPHX122PG 6¾” $15.95 Fusion RFFUS022PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS122PG 6¼” $15.95 RS11068FC 5” $9.95 GL00431GG 4¼” $17.95 GL00431GM 4¼” $17.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Vintage Wreath Glass Golf Iceberg Aztec Gold golf Bag Glass Golf Iceberg, M
GOLF RESINS 36 RFC949 M 10” $21.95 RFC948 F 10” $21.95 RFC749 6¼” $16.95 RFC748 6¼” $16.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Modern Golf, M&F Modern Golf, F Modern Golf, M
GOLF RESINS 37 Resin Clock w/Golf Bag RSCT1072SG 10½” $49.95 Golf Deluxe Pocket Watch Set G5090 7¾" x 5¼" x 1¾" $39.95 Golf Calia Cup 626 12¼” $249.95 RGI1977 9¼” $46.95 RGI1978 11¾” $61.95 GC240 10” $149.95 GC242 14½” $399.95 Georgian Cup Vintage Golf Cup
38 FOOTBALL RESINS Football Helmet RFA32512 1/4” $99.95 Fantasy Football 3-Tier Annual FTB202WD870K 21½” $254.95 End Zone Champion RF148A 12” $124.95 RF148C 18” $174.95 Football Helmet RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 Ceramic Football EC135202 21½” $134.95 Fantasy Football Tower FTB202 15” $79.95
FOOTBALL RESINS 39 RFWOR228PG-WD00870k 18¾” $239.95 World Class RFWOR128PG 7” $14.95 RFWOR228PG 12” $31.95 Reverse Football Helmet RFA3252 12 1/4” $99.95 Football Helmet 12¼” World Class Annual
FOOTBALL RESINS 40 Fantasy Football TRC-24 $28.95 $56.95 TRA-24 $79.95 TRB-24 7½" 10¾” 13” Hurricane RF23028PG $16.95 RF23128PG $18.95 7⁄” 8⁄" Fusion RFFUS028PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS128PG 6¼” $15.95 Phoenix RFPHX128PG 6¾” $15.95 Starlight RS85051PG 6” $13.95 RS85151PG 6½” $15.95
41 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Fantasy Football, Annual AT22RF2803AZ 13” $204.95 AT22RF2801AZ 11¼” $54.95 Fantasy Football, Base AT22RF2802AZ 8” $49.95 Three Star RFVOV028FC 6” $13.95 FOOTBALL RESINS Silhouette RS61051FC $11.95 RS61151FC 5¼” $13.95 RS62151FC $15.95 Apex Shield RF05228KG 7¼” $14.95 Fantasy Football, Tower Base 4⁄” 6⁄”
FOOTBALL RESINS 42 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Garland RF81051AG 5¼” $13.95 RF81151AG 6¼” $15.95 Avenger RS91051FC $13.95 RS91151FC 6½” $15.95 XL Football, Annual AT22RG2802AG 15” $214.95 XL Football, Base AT22RG2803AG 13⁄” $94.95 Cobra, M RF00411KG 6½” $11.95 RF01411KG 7½” $14.95 5⁄”
43 Star Medal RFMS140PW $11.95 RFMS240PW 6½” $13.95 Shield Spinner RFSHIELD28FC 6” $13.95 Star Blast RFBLST028PG 4¾” $11.95 Rockstar RFROCK028PG 6” $15.95 Football Icon RS21051FC 4” $10.95 Stacked Balls RF00528FC 6” $19.95 FOOTBALL RESINS Akimbo RFAK028FC 6” $13.95 RFAK128FC 8” $16.95 6⁄” Star Gazer RFGAZ028AG 5” $9.95
VOLLEYBALL RESINS 44 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. RFBLST037PG 4¾” $11.95 RF23037PG $16.95 RF23137PG 8⁄” $18.95 7⁄" RFPHX085PG 6” $12.95 RFPUL085PG 5¾” $12.95 Pulsar Volleyball RFGAZ037AG 5” $9.95 Star Gazer Volleyball Hurricane Volleyball RFB2306C 11” $34.95 Victory Tower Volleyball RF1925 6½” $15.95 Check Mate F. Volleyball Star Blast Volleyball Phoenix Volleyball
VOLLEYBALL RESINS Souriac Volleyball Trophy 16” $59.95 01194231 45 RG3117 RG3217 Base for Volleyball Champion available in Black Semigloss (K) or Rosewood (RW) Volleyball Champion Annual 18” $309.95 RG3017-WD00870K 18” $379.95 RG3117-WD00870K 18” $379.95 RG3217-WD00870K RG3017 Volleyball Champion 18” $174.95 RG3017-4655(K)(RW) 18” $244.95 18” $244.95 RG3117-4655(K)(RW) RG3217-4655(K)(RW) Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
ACADEMIC RESINS 46 Rockstar Knowledge RFROCK055PG 6” $15.95 Garland Knowledge RF81055AG 5¼” $13.95 RF81155AG 6¼” $15.95 Diamond Plate Knowledge RDP14 7½“ x 6" $13.95 Oval Banner Knowledge RF2735 8½” x 5½” $19.95 Global Knowledge RF4465 6" x 5½” $9.95 Rising Star Knowledge 02096514 5½” $9.95
47 Fusion Knowledge RFFUS055PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS155PG 6¼” $15.95 Fusion Music RFFUS040PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS140PG 6¼” $15.95 Star Blast RFBLST055PG Knowledge 4¾” $11.95 RFBLST040PG Music 4¾” $11.95 Phoenix 6” $12.95 RFPHX040PG Music ACADEMIC RESINS Pulsar RFPUL055PG Knowledge 5¾” $12.95 Avenger Knowledge RS91055FC $13.95 RS91155FC 6½” $15.95 5⁄" Star Gazer Music RFGAZ040AG 5” $9.95
ACADEMIC RESINS 48 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Negative Space Knowledge RF03039FC 6½” $12.95 Blizzard Knowledge RF00739AG 6” $13.95 Star Medal Knowledge RFMS100PW $11.95 RFMS200PW 6½” $13.95 Lamp of Knowledge RF00039FC 4½” $14.95 Star Gazer Knowledge RFGAZ055AG 5” $9.95 Teacher 60600-Z 8” $31.95 Shooting Stars RF00094PG 9” $21.95 Starlight Knowledge RS85055PG 6” $13.95 RS85155PG 6½” $15.95 5⁄”
49 DISTINCTIVE RESINS Garland Victory RF81000AG 5¼” $13.95 RF81100AG 6¼” $15.95 Star Gazer Victory RFGAZ050AG 5” $9.95 Rockstar Victory RFROCK050PG 6” $15.95 Sabre Victory RF06900PG 7⁄” $11.95 RF00900PG $13.95 Star emblem will accept a 1" disc or mylar. Star Blast Victory RFBLST050PG 4¾” $11.95 Phoenix 1st Place RFPHX072PG 1st 7” $14.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Starlight Victory RS85000PG 6” $13.95 RS85100PG 6½” $15.95 Fusion Victory RFFUS000PG 5¾” $13.95 8⁄" RFMS150PW $11.95 RFMS250PW 6½” $13.95 5⁄” Star Medal Victory
DISTINCTIVE RESINS 50 Victory Torch 2” Holder RFC1090 9” $34.95 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. RFC1390 10¾” $56.95 Star Tower RFC1395 10¾” $56.95 AT22RG7701PG Star 17½” $239.95 AT22RG7702PG Torch 17½” $239.95 AT22RG7705PG Star 17½” $274.95 AT22RG7706PG Torch 17½” $274.95 AT22RG7703PG Star 15¼” $199.95 Torch 15¼” $199.95 Reverse Reverse Torch Tower Tower Annual 2 Tower Annual 1 Tower Annual 3 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. AT22RG7704PG
51 DISTINCTIVE RESINS RFPHX017PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Badminton RFPHX057PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Billiards RFPHX069PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix BMX RFPHX035PG 6” $12.95 Athletic Champion 4633-RFV2 15” $79.95 Phoenix Ball Hockey
DISTINCTIVE RESINS 52 Phoenix Darts RFPHX084PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Coach RFPHX018PG 6” $12.95 Star Blast Dance RFBLST091PG 4¾” $11.95 Phoenix 5 Pin Bowling RFPHX026PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Broomball RFPHX053PG 6” $12.95 Star Blast Cheer RFBLST042PG 4¾” $11.95 Phoenix 10 Pin Bowling RFPHX025PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Cricket RFPHX024PG 6” $12.95 Pulsar Dance, F RFPUL091PG 5¾” $12.95
53 DISTINCTIVE RESINS RFGAZ044AG 5” $9.95 Star Gazer Swimming RFGAZ071AG 5” $9.95 Phoenix Curling RFPHX019PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Track RFPHX052PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Swimming RFPHX044PG 6” $12.95 RF00005FC 8” $21.95 Phoenix Equestrian RFPHX031PG 6” $12.95 Phoenix Lacrosse RFPHX043PG 6” $12.95 Star Gazer Track
DISTINCTIVE RESINS 54 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Inukshuk Annual 1 AT22RG9201FC 9¼” $79.95 Inukshuk Annual 3 AT22RG9203FC 11¾” $129.95 Inukshuk, Large RFINUK101FC 8” $31.95 Inukshuk, Small RFINUK001FC 6¼” $18.95 Inukshuk Annual 2 AT22RG9202FC 10½” $99.95
55 DISTINCTIVE RESINS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Cornhole CH-100 4”x 8”x 2” $28.95 Pickleball RFC-550 5¼” $24.95 CH-100 Cornhole Resins stand upright or lie flat & come complete with an easel back. Chef’s Hat RF1373 5” $22.95 Chili Pot RF1377 4¼” $22.95 Bronze Chef RFB066 12” $99.95 Oval Banner Religion RF2657 6” x 4" $9.95 Rf2757 8½” x 5" $19.95
DISTINCTIVE RESINS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Horse’s Rear AT22FG92002G 5” $10.95 Skunk, Resin RF00064FC 4½” $15.50 Outhouse RF00086FC 6” $16.95 Li’l Stinker RF00018FC 4” $13.95 4-H Canada RFFARM002FC 4” $13.95 AT22RG4001PG 8¼” $99.95 RFC-832PG 5¾” $26.95 Dolphin w/Acrylic Plate RF00092PL 9½” $49.95 56
57 RACING RESINS AND CUPS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Gas Pump RFC-1087 8¾” $36.95 Drag Race RFC-1088 8” $36.95 Steering Wheel RFC-1080 8¾” $34.95 Fantasy Racing, Tower Base AT22RF8801AZ 11¼” $54.95 Fantasy Racing, Base AT22RF8802AZ 7¾” $44.95 Spark Plug RFC-1081 6” $18.95 Racing Flags RFA1078 10¼" $64.95 EC134900 EC134903 11¼” 15¾” Checkered Racing Cup Piston RFA1078 8 $39.95 $124.95 $69.95 9
DISTINCTIVE RESINS 58 Firefighter 60568-Z 8” $46.95 Firefighter 60568-Z 8” $46.95 Firefighter - Electroplate RFB064 11¼” $109.95 Sulky Racer RFB031 12½" x 9" $199.95 Sulky Resin RF2473SG 14” x 10” $99.95 Jockey RFB233 12½” x 10½” $179.95
59 DISTINCTIVE RESINS Soaring Eagle RFB137 12½" $109.95 Majestic Eagle RFB149 16” $229.95 Eagle Landing RFB161 12” $144.95
DISTINCTIVE RESINS 60 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Executive, M, Base AT22RF8901AZ 7¼” $39.95 Executive, F, Base AT22RF8902AZ 7¼” $39.95 Executive M&F, Tower Base AT22RF8903AZ M 11” $49.95 AT22RF8904AZ F 11” $49.95 Challenger Iceberg GL00431ST 2⁄” x 4⁄” $17.95 Ascension Star, Base AT22RG7707PG 10” $34.95 Victory Ring, 1½” Holder RFC883 5½” $26.95 Championship Ring RFC400 4¼” $18.95 Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
61 INSERT HOLDER RESINS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Phoenix RFPHX233PG 7” $17.95 RFPHX133PG 6½” $15.95 RFPHX033PG 6” $12.95 Starlight RS85133PG 6½” $15.95 Stadium RFSTA033PG 6” $11.95 RFSTA133PG 7” $13.95 Fanfare RF00833PG 5¼” $13.95 RF00834PG 6¼” $14.95 Fusion RFFUS033PG 5¾” $13.95 RFFUS133PG 6¼” $15.95 XL Champion Ring RFXLRING 5½“ x 6” $69.95
43 62 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Maple Leaf RF00083RW 5½” $10.95 1st Place RF00072FC $11.95 2nd Place RF00073FC $11.95 3rd Place RF00074FC 7⁄” $11.95 Florentine RF00042PG 6¼” $13.95 RF00043PG 6¾” $15.95 Starburst RF04330PG 4¾” $10.95 RF04331PG 5¼” $11.95 RF04332PG 6” $12.95 Star Blast RFBLST033PG 4¾” $11.95 INSERT HOLDER RESINS 7⁄” 7⁄” Pulsar RFPUL033PG 5¾” $12.95
63 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Blizzard RF00733AG 6½” $13.95 Avenger RS91033FC $11.95 RS91133FC 6½” $15.95 Armour RF01333FC 4¾” $8.95 RF01334FC 5¾” $11.95 Nexus RFNEX033AG 5¾” $13.95 Garland RF81033AG 5¼” $13.95 RF81133AG 6¼” $15.95 Horizon RF07333KG 5” $12.95 RF07334KG 5½” $13.95 RF07335KG 6” $14.95 Accommodates a Sport Clip-In or 2" insert. See Page 83-85 for your choice of Sport Clip-In. Shooting Star RF02335FC 4” $10.95 RF02334FC 4½” $11.95 RF02333FC 5” $12.95 INSERT HOLDER RESINS 5⁄” Rockstar RFROCK033PG 6” $15.95
INSERT HOLDER RESINS 64 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 55807GS 7” 3” x 3” Plate $21.95 55809GS 9” 4” x 4” Plate $26.95 55811GS 11¼” 5” x 5” Plate $36.95 RF00047HG 5¼” $11.95 RF00050HG 6¼” $12.95 RF00063HG 7” $13.95 Apex Shield RF05133KG 6½” $13.95 RF05233KG 7¼” $14.95 Sport Star RF00335FC 5¼” $10.95 RF00334FC 6” $12.95 RF00333FC 7” $15.95 Star Gazer RFGAZ030AG 5” $9.95 Star Medal RFMS133PW $11.95 RFMS233PW 6½” $13.95 Cobra 7½” RF01433KG RF02433KG 7½” $14.95 $16.95 8⁄” 5⁄” Diamond Star Holder
65 CUSTOM RESINS, LAPEL PINS AND MEDALS Our artists are skilled at interpreting your rough layout. The process is simple and straight forward. From a blueline rendering, to a clay prototype, and then a full colour model, we look after it all the way. Once you have approved the full colour model, your order is released to production. Please allow 90-120 days to get your custom award designed and manufactured. Call today to make your custom resin a reality. Custom Resins Custom Lapel Pins & Medals Our custom services team is very adept at creating custom pins or medals that will suit your needs. Simply supply us with your logo or concept and we will create a unique product you can truly call your own. Lapel pins and medals can be any shape or size and are available in bright or antique finishes. For even more one-of-a-kind flare, your pin or medal can be enamel filled with one or more colours. Call us today to order your custom award or keepsake !
ROSETTES AND RIBBONS 66 Featuring our high quality, beaded edge, rayon acetate ribbon that is hot stamped using our premium quality foil. 2”x 7” Stock Identification Ribbons $1.00ea 2”x 8” Stock Placing Ribbons $1.00 each 2”x 8” Stock Track & Field Ribbons Premium Stock Rosettes R1A Stock • Your Cost: $9.00ea. Stock Rosettes R1C Stock • Your Cost: $7.50ea. Featuring a pleated 4¼” diameter head & three 10” streamers. Featuring a pleated 3½” diameter head & one 10” streamer. Available in the Following Categories & Colours President/Vice-President Brown Special Award Purple Treasurer Blue Honourable Mention Lt. Blue Secretary Lt. Blue Merit Lt. Green Chairman Purple Competitor Maroon Director Black Contestant Burgundy Committee Green Speaker Yellow Executive Burgundy Hostess Pink Official Red Guest Purple Judge Blue Counsellor White Exhibitor Purple Convenor Yellow Volunteer White Delegate Orange Available in the Following Categories & Colours First Red Second Blue Third White Fourth Green Available in the Following Categories & Colours First Red Second Blue Third White Fourth Green Track & Field Ribbons English and Français English 1st - 5th Place $1.00 Françias 1er - 3ème lieu English Participant $1.00 $1.00 Award Ribbons English and Français English 1st - 5th Place $1.00 Françias 1er - 5ème lieu English Participant $1.00 $1.00 Minimum of $30.00 Minimum of $30.00
67 CUSTOM RIBBONS AND SASHES You can have your club or association logo imprinted on your custom ribbon at no extra charge. Die cost and applicable artwork charges will apply. Our 2½” wide sash is available in either stock or custom format. Custom Full Colour Ribbons Set up charge: $30.00 line/colour change: $5.00 Ribbon Cost 1 - 11* $4.25 ea. 12 - 24 $4.18 ea. 25 - 49 $3.68 ea. 50 - 99 $3.66 ea. 100 - 249 $3.44 ea. 250 - 499 $3.42 ea. 500 - 1999 $3.12 ea. 2000 or more $3.05 ea. *Please note: If less than 50 ribbons are ordered, set up charge is $40.00 Stock Format R5 Queen $30.00 ea. R5A Princess $30.00 ea. Custom Format R5C Custom Imprint $50.00 ea. Imprint is limited to one line of copy on one side only Custom ribbons are an effective memento of your event. Our ribbon specialists will help you place your order for custom ribbons. All custom foil imprinted ribbons are made from premium grade, beaded edge, rayon acetate. Custom Foil Imprinted Ribbons Set up charge: $30.00 line/colour change: $15.00 Ribbon Cost 1 - 49* $1.50 ea. 50 - 99 $1.35 ea. 100 - 199 $1.10 ea. 200 - 299 $0.95 ea. 300 - 499 $0.85 ea. 500 - 999 $0.65 ea. 1000 - 1999 $0.60 ea. 2000 or more $0.55 ea. *Please note: If less than 50 ribbons are ordered, set up charge is $40.00 2”x 8” Full Colour Sublimated Ribbons 2”x 7” Foil Imprinted Custom Ribbons
IRON SUNRAY MEDALS 68 Available in bright gold (G), bright silver (S) and bright bronze (Z) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. 2 ID” AM RETE MS38020 • Basketball MS38130 • Baseball MS38220 • Hockey MS38140 • Football MS38000 • Knowledge MS38120 • Music MS38170 • Soccer MS38040 • Swimming MS38160 • Track MS38050 • Victory MS38030 • Volleyball MS38661G • First (Bright Gold only) MS38662S • Second (Bright Silver only) MS38663Z • Third (Bright Bronze only) Back ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 2⁄” Iron Sunray Medals • $3.25 ea.
69 IRON MEDLAS Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. MSFE213 • Soccer MSFE205 • MVP MSFE203 • Rugby MSFE202 • Science MSFE230 • Music MSFE250 • Knowledge MSFE269 • Karate MSFE204 • Math MSFE201 • Baseball MSFE215 • Hockey MSFE211 • Basketball MSFE212 • Football MSFE224 • Volleyball MSFE240 • Swimming MSFE216 • Track MSFE290 • Victory MSFE262 • Wrestling MSFE281AG • First MSFE282AS • Second (Antique Silver only) MSFE283AZ • Third (Antique Bronze only) 2” Iron Medals • $2.50 ea. Back 1½” Engraving Area ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER (Antique Gold only)
STREET TAGS AND VORTEX MEDALS 70 Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. All medal backs can be engraved. Street Tags are aluminum and engrave silver. Except where noted back of Street Tags are all black in colour. 5/ 1 8” x 21/2” Aluminum Street Tags • $1.95 ea. MS41130G • Baseball MS41020G • Basketball MS41140G • Football MS41180G • Gymnastics MS41200G • Hockey MS41000G • Knowledge 5/ 1 8”x 21/2” Blank Aluminum Street Tags • $1.95 ea. MS41003R Red on both sides MS41003B Blue on both sides MS41003K Black on both sides Metal Ball Chain NC00001G Gold 30” $1.75 NC00001S Silver 30” $1.75 MS41120G • Music MS41030G • Volleyball MS41170G • Soccer ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE Back 1”x 17⁄8” Engraving Area
71 NEGATIVE SPACE AND IMPERIAL MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Medals are available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. 2” Imperial Medals • $2.95 ea. MS43605 • Basketball MS43603 • Baseball MS43626 • Music MS43615 • Soccer MS43609 • Track MS43650 • Victory MS43618 • Volleyball 2⁄” x 2¾” Negative Space Medals • $3.95 ea. MS35020 Basketball MS35130 Baseball MS35200 Hockey MS35003 Lacrosse MS35030 Volleyball MS35112AG MVP (gold only) MS35170 Soccer Back 1⁄”x 1¾” MS43601AZ 3rd Place Antique Bronze only Back MS43601AS 2nd Place Antique Silver only MS43601AG 1st Place Antique Gold only ADD YOUR OR PLATE HERE ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1” DIAMETER MS35216 Figure Skating Engraving Area 1¼” Engraving Area
STRATA MEDALS 72 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. 2” Strata Medals • $3.25 ea. Back • 1½” x 1½” Plate Area Available in bright gold (G), bright silver (S) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. MS34030 • Volleyball MS34050 MS34112G • MVP • (bright gold only) MS34120 • Music MS34160 • Track MS34170 • Soccer MS34663AZ • Third Place 1” Insert Holder (antique bronze only) MS34005 • Equestrian MS34090 • Gymnastics MS34117 • Drama MS34200 • Hockey MS34662S • Second Place 1” Insert Holder (bright silver only) MS34130 • Baseball MS34135 • Cricket MS34166 • Cross Country MS34020 • Basketball MS34661G • First Place 1” Insert Holder (bright gold only) ADD YOUR OR PLATE HERE • Victory • 1" Insert Holder
73 MEGA MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. 2¼” Mega Medals • $2.95 ea. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2¼” Mega Medals 2” Insert Holders • $3.50 ea. MH43473AG • 2” Holder MH43473AS • 2” Holder MH43473AZ • 2” Holder MS43050 • Victory MS43030 • Volleyball MS43120 • Music MS43160 • Track MS43170 • Soccer MS43000 • Knowledge MS43020 • Basketball MS43130 • Baseball MS43140 • Football MS43200 • Hockey Back • 2” Engraving Area Back • 2” Engraving Area 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE
74 Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. SCULPTURED MEDALS MS32111 - 1¾” All Star MS32216 - 1¾” Figure Skating MS32140 - 1¾” Football MS32180 - 1¾” Gymnastics, F MS32004 - 1¾” Math MS32166 - 1¾” MS32167 - 1¾” MS32117 - 1¾” Drama MS32214 - 1¾” Cross MS32130 - 1¾” MS33130 - 2½” Baseball MS32200 - 1¾” MS33200 - 2½” Hockey MS32100 - 1¾” MS33100 - 2½” Karate MS32000 - 1¾” MS33000 - 2½” Lamp of Knowledge MS32020 - 1¾” MS33020 - 2½” MS32120 - 1¾” MS33120 - 2½” Music MS32112 - 1¾” MVP 1¾” Sculptured Medals • $2.95 ea. / 2½” Sculptured Medals • $3.95 ea. Basketball Cross Country, F Cross Country, M
Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. MS32200 - 1¾” ZIPPULL - 2⁄” (Add $0.95 ea.) Hockey MS32143 - 1¾” Rugby MS32050 - 1¾” MS33050 - 2½” Victory Back MS32XXX - 1½” Engraving Area MS33XXX - 2” Engraving Area MS32030 - 1¾” MS33030 - 2½” Volleyball MS32170 - 1¾” MS33170 - 2½” Soccer MS32010 - 1¾” Tennis MS32112 - 1¾” RI00021 - ⁄”x 32” MVP MS32002 - 1¾” Science MS32040 - 1¾” Swimming MS32080 - 1¾” Wrestling MS32160 - 1¾” Track MS32250 - 1¾” Scroll MS32020 - 1¾” MSCHAIN - 2½” (Add $0.65 ea.) Basketball 1¾” Sculptured Medals • $2.95 ea. / 2½” Sculptured Medals • $3.95 ea. MS32260 - 1¾” Scroll, 1” Holder 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER See page 81 for stock mylar inserts. 75 SCULPTURED MEDALS
IRON LEGACY MEDALS 76 Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2” Iron Legacy Medals • $2.95 ea. 2¾” Iron Legacy 2” Holder Medals • $3.95 ea. MS37120 • Music MS37000 • Knowledge MS37220 • Hockey MS37130 • Baseball MS37020 • Basketball MH37273AG Antique Gold MH37273AS Antique Silver MH37273G Bright Gold MH37273S Bright Silver MH37273AZ Antique Bronze MS37050 • Victory MS37170 • Soccer MS37160 • Track Back • 1½” Engraving Area Back 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER 2" Engraving Area
77 STAR MEDALS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 90-91 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MS36130 • Baseball MS36160 • Track MS36050 • Victory MH36273 • 2” Holder MS36030 • Volleyball MS36200 • Hockey MS36170 • Soccer MS36020 • Basketball MS36150 • Cheerleading MS36000 • Lamp of Knowledge 2¾” Star Medals • $3.75 ea. 2¾” Star Medals 2” Insert Holders • $4.50 ea. MH36661AG • First MH36662AS • Second (Antique Silver only) MH36663AZ • Third (Antique Bronze only) Back • 2” Engraving Area 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE (Antique Gold only) Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
VARSITY MEDALS 78 Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. MSSH240 • Swimming MSSH252 • Science MSSH300 • Stem MSSH290 • Victory MSSH281 • First Place (Antique Gold only) MSSH283 • Third Place (Antique Bronze only) MSSH216 • Track MSSH213 • Soccer MSSH224 • Volleyball MSSH282 • Second Place (Antique Silver only) Back ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2½” Varsity Medals • $3.50 ea.
All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. 2” Varsity Medals 1” Holders • $2.95 ea. Price includes your choice of 1” insert. See page 96 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2½” Varsity Medals • $3.50 ea. MHSH402 • 2” Holder MSSH201 • Baseball MSSH250 • Knowledge MSSH212 • Football Back 2” Engraving Area MSSH211 • Basketball MSSH301 • Hockey MSSH230 • Music MSSH209 • Honour Roll Back MHSH401 • 1” Holder Back 1” Engraving Area 79 VARSITY MEDALS ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 2” D IAMETER 1” D I ADD YOUR ENGRAVING A OR INSERT HERE M TER E ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 3” Varsity Medals 2” Holders • $4.25 ea. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
FUSION MEDALS 80 Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. MS45003 • Baseball MS45020 • Softball MS45063 • Knowledge MS45019 • Star Performer MH43573 • 2” Holder Your choice of insert included See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. MS45015 • Soccer MS45041 • Hockey MS45117AG • Drama • (Antique Gold only) 3” Fusion Medals • $3.95 ea. MS45091AG • First (Antique Gold only) MS45050 • Victory MS45002 • Science MS45009 • Track MS45005 • Basketball MS45066 • Cornhole MS45017 • Graduate MS45092AS • Second (Antique Silver only) Back • 2” Engraving Area 3” Fusion 2” Insert Holders $4.25 ea. MS45026 • Music MS45055 • Pickleball MS45093AZ • Third (Antique Bronze only) Available July 2023 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE
81 STAINED GLASS MEDALS Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Available in antique gold (AG), antique silver (AS) and antique bronze (AZ) finishes. Please specify finish when ordering. All medal backs can be engraved. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2½” Stained Glass Medals 2” Insert Holders • $4.50 ea. MS31001 • Badminton MS31200 • Hockey MS31000 • Lamp of Knowledge MS31003 • Ringette MS31170 • Soccer MS31130 • Baseball MS31020 • Basketball 2½” Stained Glass Medals • $3.75 ea. MS31040 • Swimming MS31160 • Track MS31050 • Victory MS31030 • Volleyball MH31111AG MH31111AS (Antique Silver only) MH31111AZ (Antique Bronze only) Back • 2” Engraving Area Back • 2”x ¾” Engraving Area ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR PLATE HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE Price includes your choice of stock 2” insert. See page96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
2" INSERT MEDALS 82 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. Back ¾” x 1¾” Plate Area Back 1⁄” Engraving Area MH00005AZ Antique Bronze MH00005AS Antique Silver MH00005AG Antique Gold 3” Titan Medals • $4.95 ea. 2½” Tivoli Medals • $3.95 ea. MH00003AZ Antique Bronze MH00003AS Antique Silver MH00003AG Antique Gold MH00004S Bright Silver MH00004AZ Antique Bronze MH00004G Bright Gold 2½” Arrow Medals • $3.95 ea. ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR PLATE HERE ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER Canada 2050 2½” Global Medals • $4.25 ea. MM62AZ Antique Bronze MM62AS Antique Silver MM62AG Antique Gold
83 2" INSERT MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. 2¾” Elite Medals • $4.50 ea. MH00020AS Antique Silver MH00020AZ Antique Bronze MH00020AG Antique Gold Back 2¼” Engraving Area Back 2½” Engraving Area Back 2” Engraving Area MH00012AG Antique Gold MH00012AS Antique Silver MH00012AZ Antique Bronze 2¾” Excelsior Medals • $4.25 ea. MH00014AG Antique Gold MH00014AS Antique Silver MH00014AZ Antique Bronze 2⁄” Filigree Medals • $4.50 ea. 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
2" INSERT MEDALS 84 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2¾” Orbit Medals • $4.50 ea. MH00022AG Antique Gold MH00022AS Antique Silver MH00022AZ Antique Bronze 2¾” Aqua Medals • $4.50 ea. MH00023AG Antique Gold MH00023AS Antique Silver MH00023AZ Antique Bronze MH00026AZ Antique Bronze MH00026AS Antique Silver MH00026S Bright Silver MH00026G Bright Gold MH00026AG Antique Gold 2¾” Galaxy Medals • $3.95 ea. Back 2” Engraving Area Back 2” Engraving Area Back 2½” Engraving Area 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE
85 2" INSERT MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MH00027AG Antique Gold MH00027AS Antique Silver MH00027AZ Antique Bronze Back 2½” Engraving Area Back 2” Engraving Area Back 2¼” Engraving Area MH00029AG Antique Gold MH00029AS Antique Silver MH00029AZ Antique Bronze 2¾” Lattice Medals • $4.50 ea. 2¾” Coliseum Medals • $4.25 ea. MH00030AZ Antique Bronze MH00030AS Antique Silver MH00030AG Antique Gold 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE
2" INSERT MEDALS 86 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. 2⁄” Wreath Medals • $4.50 ea. MH00036S Bright Silver MH00036AS Antique Silver MH00036AZ Antique Bronze MH00036G Bright Gold MH00036AG Antique Gold 2¾” Coronet Medals • $3.95 ea. MH00035AS Antique Silver MH00035AZ Antique Bronze MH00035AG Antique Gold Back 2¼” Engraving Area Back 2” Engraving Area Back 2½” Engraving Area 2¾” Paragon Medals • $5.50 ea. MH00032GS Bright Gold / Matte Silver MH00032SS Bright Silver / Matte Silver MH00032ZS Bright Bronze / Matte Silver 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE
2" INSERT MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. 2¾” Laurel Medals • $4.50 ea. MH00038AS Antique Silver MH00038S Bright Silver MH00038AZ Antique Bronze Back 1” x 2” Engraving Area MH00038AG Antique Gold MH00038G Bright Gold 2⁄” Crimped Star Medals • $3.95 ea. MH00037AS Antique Silver MH00037AZ Antique Bronze MH00037AG Antique Gold Back 2¼” Engraving Area Back 2¼” Engraving Area 2½” Garland Medals • $3.95 ea. MH00039AS Antique Silver MH00039AZ Antique Bronze MH00039AG Antique Gold 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 87 Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering.
2" INSERT MEDALS 88 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 2” insert. See page 96-97 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MH43273AG Antique Gold MH43273AS Antique Silver MH43273AZ Antique Bronze 3” Octagon Medals • $3.95 ea. MH43373AG Antique Gold MH43373AS Antique Silver MH43373AZ Antique Bronze 3¼” Star Eclipse Medals • $4.25 ea. 2½” Modern Star Medals • $3.95 ea. MH32272AS Antique Silver MH32272AZ Antique Bronze MH32272AG Antique Gold Back 2½” Engraving Area Back 2½” Engraving Area Back 2½” Engraving Area 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE
89 1" INSERT MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Back 1⁄” Engraving Area Back 1” Engraving Area Back 1⁄” Engraving Area Back 1⁄” Engraving Area MH00007AS Antique Silver MH00007AZ Antique Bronze MH00007AG Antique Gold 7/ 1 8” Sunburst Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00001S Bright Silver MH00001AZ Antique Bronze MH00001G Bright Gold 7/ 1 8” Shield Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00006S Bright Silver MH00006AZ Antique Bronze MH00006AZ MH00006G Bright Gold 1¾” Hex Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00002AZ Antique Bronze 1½” Clover Medals • $2.50 ea. MH00002AS Antique Silver MH00002AG Antique Gold ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER
1" INSERT MEDALS 90 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 1” insert. See page 96 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MH00009S Bright Silver MH00009AZ Antique Bronze MH00009G Bright Gold 1¾” Garland Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00011AZ Antique Bronze 7/ 1 8” All-Star Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00011AS Antique Silver MH00011AG Antique Gold MH00008AZ Antique Bronze 2” Twister Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00008AS Antique Silver MH00008AG Antique Gold MH00010AZ Antique Bronze 1¾” Banner Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00010S Bright Silver MH00010G Bright Gold Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1¼” Engraving Area ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR OR INSERT HERE 1” DIAMETER
91 1" INSERT MEDALS All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 1” insert. See page 96 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MH00015AS Antique Silver MH00015AZ Antique Bronze MH00015AG Antique Gold 2” Maple Leaf Medals • $3.95 ea. MH00013AS Antique Silver MH00013AZ Antique Bronze MH00013AG Antique Gold 2¼” Filigree Medals • $2.95 ea. 1¾” Wreath Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00016S Bright Silver MH00016AS Antique Silver MH00016AZ Antique Bronze MH00016G Bright Gold MH00016AG Antique Gold 1¾” Olympian Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00017S Bright Silver MH00017AS Antique Silver MH00017AZ Antique Bronze MH00017G Bright Gold MH00017AG Antique Gold Back 2” Engraving Area Back 1¾” Engraving Area Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1½” Engraving Area 2” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER
1" INSERT MEDALS 92 All medal backs can be engraved. Decorating is for illustration purposes only and is not included in the price. Price includes your choice of 1” insert. See page 96 for mylar inserts. Please specify when ordering. MH00018S Bright Silver MH00018AS Antique Silver MH00018AZ Antique Bronze MH00018G Bright Gold MH00018AG Antique Gold Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1¾” Engraving Area Back 1½” Engraving Area Back 1¾” Engraving Area MH00019AS Antique Silver MH00019AZ Antique Bronze MH00019AG Antique Gold 2” Lattice Medals • $2.95 ea. MH00021AZ Antique Bronze 2” Defender Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00021AS Antique Silver MH00021AG Antique Gold 2” Falcon Medals • $2.75 ea. MH00024AS Antique Silver MH00024AZ Antique Bronze MH00024AG Antique Gold ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER 1½” DIAMETER ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE ADD YOUR ENGRAVING OR INSERT HERE 1½” DIAMETER 1¾” Fossil Medals • $2.75 ea.
awardsunlimited.caRkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy MzQ1MDA=